Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back on the wagon...

I simply cannot believe that it has been almost a year since my last post. I sort of went on hiatus. But I cannot recover that time and I certainly don't have the time to sit here and recant the entire year so alas, I will simply pick up from well.....right here, right now. Today. Besides these posts were really only meant to help me remember the moments that we so often forget. And for my family who we don't see near enough. These posts were not meant to be an open window to the world. Right?

This year has been an adventure. We moved from CA to VA and the kids haven't missed a beat. We've been lucky enough to have been visited by friends and some family already but soon we too will need to venture out to visit. When I say soon, I mean after the first of the year.....there's only so much I can squeeze into the last 7 weeks of the year. :)

Realizing that having had bloggers block for the last 9 months, I have so much I want to say yet I cannot find the words to do so. At least not right this moment anyway. Give me an hour. How is it so easy to come up with about 200 characters of things to say on Facebook but so hard to write in a blog? Maybe I'll try writing in the future all the things I posted on FB on here instead. At least it'll keep the blog going, lol! Don't give up on me yet! In the Grove household there is always and adventure, now I just need to keep writing about them. Be back soon with more.... :)

1 comment:

Traveling Bells said...

Good to have you back in the blogosphere. Don't be shy.

We had such a good time visiting with y'all. Gotta do it again. Down here. Any time:)...xo