Monday, August 4, 2008

Destined for greatness....

Have you ever met someone who was just destined for greatness and no matter what they did they always came out on top? My darling son is one of those people. I know we are all proud of our children and I am no different than any other mom out there however Xander is just a truly great kid with such a beautiful soul. Somewhere deep inside of him is an old soul, he reminds me so much of Arnie that it is scary at times. I feel like he is up in heaven holding his hand and guiding him along the path that he may have taken had he still been alive. He has accomplished so much in his short life and I know that he is only going to continue to grow and become stronger each year. He is compassionate, kind, generous, thoughtful, witty, funny no make that hysterical - he gets that from his dad, smart, determined, green - he is a tree hugger at heart, and so many other adjectives.

On the day that he was born, I was terrified that I wouldn't know what to do or that I would not make a good mother for this child but somehow we have always managed the ups and downs. Life hasn't always been perfect or rosy but it has always been good. I learn something new from him each day. Why am I going on about him? Because today is his 13th birthday and I am proud to know him and to call him my son and my friend. We are embarking on a new journey today as we enter those dreaded teenage years however I think together we will make it through to the other side and if we don't well then all that college money can be used for a good therapist I guess, :-)!

At 3 months old

Happy birthday my darling son, someday when I grow up I want to be just like you! Thank you for teaching me to live life, have fun and to be a good person. I love you with all that I am!

First Grade 9th Birthday in the Bahamas

Surfing San Onofre 2007

Rockin' out with his band - UnderAged Thinking
Joshua Tree 2008

Rock Climbing - Joshua Tree 2008

Love always,


Haley D. said...

Happy birthday to one outstanding young man! We love you!!!

Traveling Bells said...

Happy BELATED birthday, sweetie! And lots of love and hugs are included...Aunt Sandy