Sunday, May 25, 2008

Oriental Express

All Aboard!

This is our 3rd neighborhood that we have started a dinner club and our 3rd time starting it with an Oriental Express party theme. So many people are intimidated by the whole Asian cooking idea and shun away from it so we typically take the fear out of it for everyone.

Last night we had 20 people (2 couples couldn't make it) come and at $40 per couple it is the best deal in town. After everyone paid, we supplied appetizers of Sushi, Thai Fish Cakes with a Plum dipping sauce (hot and spicy), Lumpia and a Tandoori Shrimp dish made with coconut milk and yummy spices, all of which Bob fantastically prepared in the wok on our outdoor stove/grill (didn't want to smell up the house IYKWIM). Then the main course, I prepared General Tso's Chicken, Shrimp Red Thai Curry and a veggie stir-fry (all of which I made). For dessert we had Sopapillas and Cream (basically fried wontons covered in cinnamon sugar that sandwich a scoop of homemade vanilla bean ice cream and topped with a chocolate sauce). D-E-L-I-S-H!! Add sake, Japanese beers and plenty of red/white wine and we had a party fit for kings! We put all the food into chafing dishes and had everyone serve themselves.

We had all the food prepped and ready within 2 hours, Asian cuisine is about the easiest in the world to prepare (minus the sushi - we ordered in for that). The nice thing about it is the fact that because everyone pays, it pays for itself and while you have to to do the work, not having to beat the traffic, drive home after drinking or miss small conversations with your friends, priceless! I think that by the fact that every food and beverage was completely consumed and that the last few stragglers left at 2:30am after a nice game of poker and beer pong (ping pong played with cups of beer), the party was a resounding success!

Now it will be another 2 years before we have to host again, yeah! We just get to eat, drink and be merry for all the next parties!! If you have never tried doing a dinner club, you should, they are so much fun and so very easy. If you every want ideas or recipes, I'll be happy to share....I think the next host is planning a "white trash themed party", oooooh, I can't wait for that one, :D!!!

Til next time....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

This has been an awesome week for me from a professional standpoint! Remember the post a while back about me doing stock photos for, Ihave had 10 purchases so far in the last month. That may not sound like a lot but to me, who only tried my hand at stock photography for fun and only submitted 3 photos, well, I'm darned happy that anyone feels my photos worthy of publishing!

That brings me to my next exciting news......remember my first official press pass I received last weekend? I had my first photos published in an actual newspaper and on their online website. To finally have my passion come to life and be seen by the world, it is an amazing feeling. I am officially a freelance photographer for the local news, woo hoo!,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=260&cntnt01returnid=51

Now don't think I am going to get too big for my britches, I know I still have a lot to learn. I am enrolling at the local college for fall classes as well as working with other professional photogs to hone this craft, I want to be the best I can be. For look for new stuff to come in the future!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Miracles do happen...

Our friend Evan Cousineau who, if you ever read our blog, I am sure you have gotten to know. His sister is going through one of the most selfless acts a person can do today, please send up your prayers for Mary and Dominik.

Read the story:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Amateur Photographer

An amateur photographer was invited to dinner with friends, and he took along a few pictures to show to them. The hostess looked at the photos and commented, "These are very good! You must have a good camera."

The photographer didn't make any comment, but as he was leaving to go home, he said, "That was a really delicious meal! You must have some very good pots."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Doheny Blues Festival

My first official press pass! I had the privilige of being the photographer for our local newspaper and had access to the entire event. Xander was my official assistant of the day taking care of my lenses and equipment so he and I spent 8 hours documenting the event. Below are a few up close and personal images of all the fun we had and people we met!
I'll detail more tomorrow when I am not so tired!!

My trusty assistant wearing his new hat given to him by Barbie of Cactus Hats. She told him that he could "pay it forward" and do something nice for someone else sometime soon!
A view from the stage when 94 year young Pinetop Perkins was playing!
Pinetop Perkins band members and friends - I'll add their names later when I have the playbill in front of me.
Xander and a member of Pinetop Perkins Band - they loved Xander and they had a great time talking with each other. Xander thought they were the coolest guys there that night!
Good 'ol Pinetop Perkins himself - isn't he a sweetheart?!
The infamous Robert Cray
Our personal favorite and Xander's inspiration for playing guitar - Jonny Lang - the 27 year old prodigy who came onto the blues music scene when he was only 15 years old!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Abrakadoodle Wednesdays

I just want to share with you some of the lovely artwork that Hannah has been bringing home after her fun-filled Wednesday afternoon's painting, coloring and messing up someone else's play space! I have been quite impressed and she is learning so much! You'd better get her autograph now, "artist" and "fashion designer" were her first words! Ask her what she wants to be and that's how she responds. I can't keep that child in paper, crayons, glue or any kind of crafting supplies. Every time I turn around my computer paper is mysteriously all used up even when I haven't printed something in weeks!!!

On canvas - the big blob is my fault. She had made nice little droplets of paint but one was rather large and wet. I didn't want that paint getting all over my car so I tried to blot it with a paper towel - big mistake!!! She was a good sport about mommy ruining her art, :)! Pastels and shading
She also did a Matisse fishbowl which I will post a little later after I take a photo of it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

by Hannah Grove, age 6

Happy Mother's Day to all my friends and family that are celebrating this special day dedicated to all you do! Love, Kimberly

What a day to be honored, too bad I had one too many margarita's the night before to really enjoy it.....someone forgot to tell me that as you get older you need considerably less to drink before you get sent right over the edge! Darn those friends of ours that hosted that Cinco de Mayo party on the wrong day! Needless to say, I am still moving a little slow even today. I won't ever make that mistake again.

Anyway, my darling children and my husband made me the most beautiful homemade cards. Hannah even painted a portrait of me, I think it is quite lovely myself and Xander wrote me a poem. Christian made me a card, that opened the wrong way of course, and then told me after I read it that I can't have it, it's his, lol!!! So he took it away and I haven't seen it since, good thing I love my little Indian giver!!! To me, those are the best presents ever! Last year we each got new CARS on the mother's/father's day holidays, so this year I told my family that they simply needed to add a D to the gift this year!!! So CARDS it is and my bank it account is much happier for it, lol!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Joshua Tree Climbing Adventures

My handsome babe, 4th from right!

Our future Eagle Scout had an amazing weekend rock climbing in Joshua Tree National Park. Of course with no running water, flushing toilets or anything of the like, water was a precious commodity and could not be wasted on things like showers or wiping down....teeth did get brushed but that was it, lol! In his quest to get totally filthy, he scaled walls, hopped rocks, explored caves, tried to catch BIG lizards, hiked and explored and just had a blast! Sounds like ther perfect boys weekend! He also was in charge of breakfast and made picture perfect pancakes for the troop. We have the same outdoor stove set-up so he knew exactly what to do and impressed the troop. He was VERY proud!!

He came home and decided that rock climbing is the new sport of choice (this week :D)! Actually, boy scouts is right up his alley as he has been sleeping in tents since he was 6 weeks old (a right of passage for all of our children), went on his first backpacking and whitewater rafting trip (class 2 and 3's) in the Tetons when he was 5 and is our regular mountaineering child. He has such an outdoor spirit and sense of adventure. So, I am sure that I will be spending a great deal of time at the indoor and outdoor climbing walls this summer......he has a new passion! We are so proud of him!

Here are a few photos of his weekend - unfortunately we were not able to attend with him but are delighted that someone shared these few with us! Enjoy ~

Xander in the back flipping the flapjacks!!

Hey you, yeah you! Checking me out? I look GOOD in these don't I???

The ascent - look at those gams! He has his daddy's legs!!

The descent - Look out below!!
the wall was more vertical than it appears -
there are other photos that show the angle of what they were climbing. "Man they're slow, do you think we'll get to climb again?"

Biscuits on a stick - yum!
You take canned biscuits, wrap them on a stick and cook 'em up over the fire, the boys love them! Xander waiting his turn.

Hanging out 'round the very meager campfire. Xander entertained the crowds later with his guitar playing and campfire songs.

The motley crew

Monday, May 5, 2008

Win the lottery!!!

In honor of our dear friend Evan who was diagnosed 1 year ago this past week with ALD (you can Google it) and subsequently passed away in November just hours before his 10th birthdy that he shares with his twin sister Alaina, I am encouraging each and every one of you to think about "saving a life". It's simple and until May 19th, it's free! You can choose to donate more to help others that can't afford it but that is your choice. Please consider being on the bone marrow registry. Here is more information from Gina (Evan's mom) about signing up:

Take 5 minutes and learn how you can save a life... Be A Hero, Become A Donor

During our Cyber BM Drive, between the dates of May 5-19, you can join the registry as part of Evan’s Entourage. Simply email with Evan’s Entourage in the subject area, and your name, address and how many kits you would like sent to you in the body of the email. The application and swab kit will be sent immediately to you. It must be dated and placed in the mail by May 19 to qualify.

Tell a friend. Remember, in regards to the fee/donation….the normal cost to join the registry is $52. Always, non-Caucasians are fully funded by the federal government, which includes everyone except Caucasians (those of Middle Eastern descent are considered Caucasians). This is because only 20% of the registry consists of non-Caucasians. When drives are hosted at fire and police stations, these professionals are fully funded, as well as all college students at their schools.

Our Cyber BM Drive is being hosted during the federally funded “Thanks Mom” Campaign and is free however we still ask for a $25 donation payable to the Marrow Foundation, c/o Evan’s Entourage, to help us fund future drives.


Joining the National Marrow Donor Registry is easy and painless:
1.First you fill out the application, pay the fee/make a donation***, and then take 4 big “Qtips” and swab the inside of your cheeks.
2. Win the Lottery, because the chances of you being called as a donor are that slim.
3. If you are chosen, remember you are the one person in the WORLD that can give this person a chance for a new life. Without you, they have no hope.
4. From this point forward, there is no cost involved. All procedures will take place in a hospital near you. Everyone who crosses your path will treatyou with the utmost respect.
5. Time to donate: Doctors will determine if it will be done through Peripheral Stem Cell collection or Bone Marrow Harvest (done undersedation).
6. Walk out of the hospital the same day as your procedure and know that you were the lucky one, that without your gift of life, this person had NO HOPE.

Demystifying the Myths around becoming a Bone Marrow Donor
1. Ignorance-Probably the number one reason people don’t join the BM Registry. Our goal is to demystify the process so that everyone, when medically able, can’t wait to have the opportunity to “Save a Life” by becoming a bone marrow donor and having their baby’s cord blood donated to the registry.
2. Pain- There is NO PAIN involved in joining the registry. A simple cheek swab will gather your “cells”, which will then be typed for your DNA.
3. Afraid-“I hate needles and I hate pain.” Well to be honest, aren’t we all?? The most painful part of joining the registry is filling out the application. After that, if you are the lucky one, the one person in the world that can save a person’s life, would you not consider a little discomfort to have this opportunity??
4. Commitment/Time/Travel-If you are the lucky one to chosen to be a donor, EVERYTHING will take place at a hospital near your home. For Stem Cell Collection, it is done at a blood donation center near you. For Bone Marrow Aspiration, it will take place in an outpatient setting under sedation. For your little discomfort, you have now given someone the chance for new life!!
5. Cost- The only cost involved is the original “fee” to become a donor. Often people don’t understand why they are being charged to join the registry, but as with all medical tests, the HLA typing is very expensive, in addition to the overhead involved in running the NMDP. And often times there is partial or full funding available to reduce the normal $52 fee. After that, there is no cost to the donor. And the time commitment if you are chosen is simply the time it takes to the medical tests to make sure you are healthy enough to be a donor, and the time, one day, to collect your cells or marrow.
6. Not needed/why me?- “If the chances of me be chosen to be a match is like winning the lottery, why should I do it?” Well, for the 6000 people that search the registry every day, only 3 out of every 10 actually find a donor. And the odds for non-Caucasians to find a match are even worse. (Middle Easterners are considered Caucasian) You can only win the lottery if you play the lottery. Please come play with us!!
7. Involvement-“I just don’t want to get involved!” If you think about it for just a few moments, we can bet you that you know someone either personally or through another, who has needed a transplant or who will need a transplant. We all have a reason to get involved….as this could end up being you, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your child, or your friend or neighbor… whose only “hope” for life after a life-threatening diagnosis is a bone marrow or cord blood transplant.
8. If I am chosen, can I choose which method they use? NO, it is up to the doctors to make the decision on whether stem cells or bone marrow is the right treatment for the recipient. If you have any hesitation, it is best that do not register at this. If you are the lucky one in the world, we don’t want your recipient to have HOPE and then find out that you are not willing to go forward with the best course of treatment.

Register here - you never even have to leave your home to do it!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Today at the gas station, I happened to be trying to get out of the middle pump that is 3 deep. When, as my husband puts it that I need tug boats to move me in and out of the harbor because my SUV is so large, well, you should know that it can be a challenge sometimes when people crowd you and allow you no space! So anyway....the gentleman in front of me is letting me know how much room I have and that I am all clear, I maneuver my way out then roll down my window to say thank you. Well this dear, darling older man had a truck bed full of flower bouquets that he was taking to the local churches and gave me one just to make my day better. Of course anyone who knows me knows that I will never turn down flowers as I love the smell, the beauty and simplicity of an arrangement sitting somewhere in my house. It brings me sheer joy!

I just wanted everyone to know that Random Acts Of Kindness are still out there and his generosity reminded me how much we should practice at least one act of kindness every day! Go out and do yours today - let me know what you did!!!

Have a great day!

Monkeying Around at the Santa Ana Zoo

The kindergarten class went on their first field trip to the Santa Ana zoo today. They got to ride on the bus, have a picnic lunch and enjoyed the day. Here are some snapshots of our adventures!

Click to play Kindergarten Zoo Trip 08
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