Monday, December 7, 2009

Manic Monday

It's raining, it's pouring...... and a perfect day to stay indoors and get many of the things done, I need to get done. You know all that dreaded wrapping - although I love making the presents pretty. Sometimes the package wrapping is better than the gift, lol!

Three quilts to craft this week, 2 for American Girl doll bunkbeds and 1 for Xander, his is long overdue as I was supposed to make it last year. Oh well, I am only one person with so much time. Speaking of time, I am down to the wire. We leave for Orygun as the natives say it (Oregon) next Friday and I couldn't be more excited. My cousin who lives there said that it was 34 yesterday but felt like 25 and rainy. For some of you that may sound like torture but for us, we live in a place where it is summer year round so we are excited about getting out our hats, gloves and rain gear. The weather certainly won't dampen our parade!

Lots to do before the kids get home. We'll be blogging our entire trip. Yes, I know we are intermittent bloggers, lol however you always know we blog on our vacations and with new laptops, life has become easier and more mobile so stay tuned for more updates!

Happy holidays - did you get your Christmas card from us yet? If not, send me your address and I'll send one right out! XOXOXO

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