Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stuff my mom cooks......

Alright, I realized that I am not a good personal blogger.....just like the journal that sits beside my bed collecting dust............but I try.  What I have realized is that I am passionate about a few things.....photography, anything outdoors, gardening and most of all..........COOKING!  I love to cook and I love to be in the kitchen......with my apron on (don't ask me to cook without my apron, it just won't happen).

It is where I go to soothe my sorrows.

It is where I go to express my delight.

It is where I go to just have fun.

My husband and I even have date nights where we send the kids out and we just stay in cooking - although since we have moved to VA, there is no where to send them too......yet.  Gotta work on that!

But my kitchen and food is the heart and soul of my home.  We gather to talk about the day.  We gather to cook meals together.  We gather to do projects and so much more.

I finally realized that blogging about something you are passionate about is a lot more fun than just journaling the everyday details (although important) of our lives.  I will still continue to blog the family stuff but thanks to my son and my cousin Haley......I started a blog that I can't seem to peel myself away from.  I need to pull back long enough to start taking photos of all these delicious meals but it is the beginning.....baby steps!

What is the point to this blog?  It really isn't for you, or you, or you.  It is so that my children will have a living legacy of all those moments we shared around the kitchen.  If you so happen to find a recipe that you like, great.  If not, that's fine too.  It's all about the moments and I finally found the way I want to capture those.

Stuff My Mom Cooks


1 comment:

Sandy B said...

Good cooks just run in our family! You are a fantastic cook, so I'll definitely put the new blog on my reader to ck out. This warms my heart...love trying new stuff! Love sitting/working in your kitchen with ya!...xoxoxo