Monday, April 21, 2008


Yes, I know, I have learned that I am so busy that it is hard for me to blog everyday. I am coming to realize I have a weakness and that is remembering to blog, lol! Actually, April has been such a busy month that I will have to catch up on posts not only for you but so that I'll have something to look back on an remember. SO, bear with me, my momentary lapses in posts and realize that I too, am human and I am trying!!!! :-)

I think the biggest thing to happen to us during April was during spring break. You see, Christian is as tall as some 5 year olds and commonly gets mistaken for being older than he is, especially now that all his beautiful, blonde locks have been shorn. However, I know he is still my adorable boy that is never far from mommy's side, he is whole-heartedly a mamma's boy!!! In his quest to hang and keep up with big brother and all the other "big kids" on the block, he decided that those bicycle training wheels were coming off. SO, I brought out my handy dandy pliers, took those bad boys off and gave him a push. That was all it took. Within 5 minutes he was off and flying!!! He was loving every bit of his new found freedom.......until it came time to stop, start, get on, etc and so forth. As long as he is in motion, all is good in the world however when he is ready to stop, you'd better be there to catch him or he gets sad that no one will help him, lol. He is quickly learning to jump off the bike before it topples on him and big brother is teaching him to use the brakes but for a 3 year old to apply all that he is learning can be a bit frustrating. But anyway, he is doing great and we are very proud of him. He definitely took this big step long before our other 2 kiddos. Where of where is my baby going? Why can't he just stay little for a while longer?????

Here is a day in the life of learning to ride a bike......

Getting a push from Xander, somebody stop me, NOW, thank goodness I am off! Can I get back on now??


Traveling Bells said...

Look, ma, I'm a big boy now! And off he goes...hang on to your hat, honey. The ride has just begun!


Brian said...

A kid after my own heart! Maybe Haley will read this and get BOTH of her girls to take the trainers off!! Future Tour de France champion???