Monday, September 17, 2007

Humbled and honored...

My dear friend and neighbor that lives across the street from me, Maureen, discovered over 3 years ago that she had breast cancer. She made the radical decision to remove both breasts and is now in remission and a survivor!

Saturday night, a fundraiser was held in her honor at our other neighbor's home, Debbie, to raise funds and awareness for the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk that is happening nationwide. You can check out for more information.

We had many vendors (I was one of them) there to not only promote their businesses but to donate percentages of their sales. We had many generous businesses in San Clemente donate beautiful gifts and items from their stores for our silent auction and raffle baskets. We had almost 80-100 people walk through the doors to tell of their stories, their connections to breast cancer or to just be supportive and donate to the cause.

Maureen and Debbie, along with 4 other women are participating in the 3 day walk in San Diego. That is 20 miles a day. Over $2200 was raised on Saturday night to benefit the walk and the cause.

I cried, I laughed, I was humbled and honored to be in the presence of these women. I have never had a personal connection to anyone with breast cancer (other cancers yes but not breast cancer) so this was a new experience for me. It was uplifting to see my friend be honored in such a way. She is a beautiful person with a heart of gold. May she live on for many more years!

If you have a moment, please go to the website to learn more or to make a donation. It could happen to any of us!

Blessings to all,

p.s. check out the scrapbook below, Maureen is on the front page! Isn't she a doll?

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