Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Because they come that way...

Driving to Costco today Hannah and I were talking about St. Patty's Day. She was all excited to ask me what happens to someone when you don't wear green. I quickly told her that they get pinched.... she was stunned, "mom, how did you know that?" SO, I asked her if she thought that this was a new rule that they just made up this year? "Yes mom it is" was her reply, lol!

Then I told her that this has been the rule since grandma was a little girl. "What?" is what I get from her. "You know that grandma used to be a little girl too, right?", I asked. To this she responded.............

"I thought they were old because they just came that way"

I told her that she was not old and I was not old so how could grandma's be born just old? Again her response was "because they just came that way"!!

So there you have it folks. If you are a grandma or grandpa, you had no former life, you were never little and well, you are just plain OLD!!!! LMBO, I was cracking up!!!


Haley D. said...

So it's not too much different from being a parent- parents had absolutely no lives B.C. (before children), especially according to their teenagers, I hear!

Glad you're back to posting. We've missed you guys (or should I say "y'all?")!!!

Mom to 3 happy kids said...

I personally love the y'all myself! It makes me feel right at home. Oh, how I miss using my southern accent sometimes. After a few too many glasses of wine or when I get really mad at something, it comes out plain as day but all the other times, it stops traffic when it comes out and someone notices, lol!

You're right about the BC part as well. Little do they know...wink!!!

Miss y'all lots, thanks for posting.