Saturday, March 22, 2008


I had the honor and privilege today of photographing an 80th birthday party for my dear friend and neighbor's father. Tom, the honoree and Beth, his wife and classically trained pianist who has played with the Boston Pops were absolutely delightful and the shoot was so much fun!

Here is a sneak peak at some of the photos. There were 24 people I had to pose and keep entertained. 12 adults and 12 children. The kids kept moving not matter where I placed them, lol! It was a challenge, it was also the largest group of people I have ever worked with. I would do it all over again! I will post more after I process them.

My friend Kate is in the bottom right corner in blue, short hair. Her father is the old one in blue in the center back. I told him that since he started this whole mess that he needed to be in the back and center to anchor them all!!! Blown up this is a beautiful image!

This is grandma, grandpa and all 12 of their grandkids. I used screens to soften some of the sun however I didn't have large enough ones and the family only had this time of day to take the photos so I did the best I could with what I had. Some of the catchlights are nice but some I wish weren't there at all. The one kid behind the girl would not listen, behave or smile for anyone. He kept moving to behind someone so this is how he is in almost all the shots, lol! That stinker!!

This is the image that almost made me cry during the shoot. I asked them if I could do this and when I did the stories about hands opened up. This is how I learned about the mom being a concert pianist and performing regularly with the Boston Pops. I then also learned that their youngest son who worked in the World Trade Centers happened to be on his honeymoon that fateful day or else they said there would be one set of hands missing from this photo. It was all I could do not to cry so I cherish the fact that they were up for doing this picture. It also meant a great deal to them. I will never forget that moment, this is why I am a photographer!!!

Strength, wisdom, pain, grief, hard work, compassion, and so much LOVE in this generation of HANDS!


Traveling Bells said...

Oh, Kim, I got teary eyed looking at the hands photo! That one is very special, since whenever I look at my own hands, I see my Mother's hands reflected back at me. Each generation carries its own image of the past, and you are doing a great job of capturing memories that last.
Hugs, Sandy

Haley D. said...

Okay, the hands got me too. Like mother like daughter? (And Sandy definitely has Mae's hands!) What a beautiful moment. We're going to have to steal this idea for a photo op. The other pix look good too.

Kate said...

Sweet Kimberly,

I am touched by your notes and beautiful pictures. You were such an integral part of that happy day and pictures really show it. You are a blessing to our family and our neighborhood!

Thanks so much! Love, Kate