Sunday, May 18, 2008

Doheny Blues Festival

My first official press pass! I had the privilige of being the photographer for our local newspaper and had access to the entire event. Xander was my official assistant of the day taking care of my lenses and equipment so he and I spent 8 hours documenting the event. Below are a few up close and personal images of all the fun we had and people we met!
I'll detail more tomorrow when I am not so tired!!

My trusty assistant wearing his new hat given to him by Barbie of Cactus Hats. She told him that he could "pay it forward" and do something nice for someone else sometime soon!
A view from the stage when 94 year young Pinetop Perkins was playing!
Pinetop Perkins band members and friends - I'll add their names later when I have the playbill in front of me.
Xander and a member of Pinetop Perkins Band - they loved Xander and they had a great time talking with each other. Xander thought they were the coolest guys there that night!
Good 'ol Pinetop Perkins himself - isn't he a sweetheart?!
The infamous Robert Cray
Our personal favorite and Xander's inspiration for playing guitar - Jonny Lang - the 27 year old prodigy who came onto the blues music scene when he was only 15 years old!


Haley D. said...

How cool is that?!? Awesome pictures and what a great opportunity for a little publicity- all the way around!

Traveling Bells said...

Great pics...and a cute assistant!!!