Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Joshua Tree Climbing Adventures

My handsome babe, 4th from right!

Our future Eagle Scout had an amazing weekend rock climbing in Joshua Tree National Park. Of course with no running water, flushing toilets or anything of the like, water was a precious commodity and could not be wasted on things like showers or wiping down....teeth did get brushed but that was it, lol! In his quest to get totally filthy, he scaled walls, hopped rocks, explored caves, tried to catch BIG lizards, hiked and explored and just had a blast! Sounds like ther perfect boys weekend! He also was in charge of breakfast and made picture perfect pancakes for the troop. We have the same outdoor stove set-up so he knew exactly what to do and impressed the troop. He was VERY proud!!

He came home and decided that rock climbing is the new sport of choice (this week :D)! Actually, boy scouts is right up his alley as he has been sleeping in tents since he was 6 weeks old (a right of passage for all of our children), went on his first backpacking and whitewater rafting trip (class 2 and 3's) in the Tetons when he was 5 and is our regular mountaineering child. He has such an outdoor spirit and sense of adventure. So, I am sure that I will be spending a great deal of time at the indoor and outdoor climbing walls this summer......he has a new passion! We are so proud of him!

Here are a few photos of his weekend - unfortunately we were not able to attend with him but are delighted that someone shared these few with us! Enjoy ~

Xander in the back flipping the flapjacks!!

Hey you, yeah you! Checking me out? I look GOOD in these don't I???

The ascent - look at those gams! He has his daddy's legs!!

The descent - Look out below!!
the wall was more vertical than it appears -
there are other photos that show the angle of what they were climbing. "Man they're slow, do you think we'll get to climb again?"

Biscuits on a stick - yum!
You take canned biscuits, wrap them on a stick and cook 'em up over the fire, the boys love them! Xander waiting his turn.

Hanging out 'round the very meager campfire. Xander entertained the crowds later with his guitar playing and campfire songs.

The motley crew

1 comment:

Traveling Bells said...

Truly a rite of passage! Brian loves rock climbing, too:-)...xoxoxo