Friday, July 18, 2008

CPR Certified & 1/2 way to Eagle

How many 12 year olds do you know are CPR Certified card carrying members of the Red Cross? How many of them know what to do and how to provide care in the event that help can't arrive in 30 minutes or more? How many of them know basic first aid? Xander is and knows all of that! They normally recommend you to be 15 or older to be certified but demonstrated great responsibility and allowed him and a few other scouts to take the course and get their official adult and infant certification.

Last weekend Xander and I spent the weekend with the boy scouts and Red Cross going through an intensive 2 day lifesaving certification course. I was renewing my certification and the Xan-man was getting certified for the first time ever as part of his lifesaving requirements for the scouts. He passed with flying colors and was the only scout that did not have to "re-take" the test in order to pass, plus he made a 100% on one of the tests. Since he had already taken the First Aid course and has that merit badge, he stuck around to help out and the other kids used him as the "crash test dummy", oh did I mention that he volunteered to look like the village idiot? Anything for a laugh from that kid....

I get a text message from him during this portion of the class because I was off site saying, "Injured.....again, I need your help" with this darling image. Gotta just love 'em.

In addition to all the above, he also completed all the requirements and has earned First Class Rank. He now has to complete Star and Life Scout ranks which combined will take about a year to complete and then he will spend the next year working on his Eagle rank. His goal, as it stands now, is to have completed the Eagle rank by the time he is in the 9th grade. It is a LOT of hard work but even more fun and again he deserves all the credit in the world. All this and a 3.8 GPA on the Superintendants Honor Roll, we've certainly done something right and so has he!!!

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