Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shark Girl

Because Hannah had art class, she didn't get the sheer joy of going to the dentist with her brothers this week, good thing I guess. While she got a clean bill of health today, she on the other hand has her mama's very small mouth/jaw structure and not enough room for all those teeth. Because of this, they are going to extract 2 baby teeth to allow room for the adults to come in. She won't get the joy of having these babies fall out like all her friends, shoot! However I am quite certain that the tooth fairy will be bringing bonus goods for the double tooth extraction that will happen in a few weeks. At least she had 2 fall out on their own. On top of all that braces will be in her near future as soon as she has 4 perm on top and bottom. They'll need to "expand her palate". I've been through this recently with my own braces, not too bad just a long process.

Why shark girl? Because her mouth is so small her permanent teeth are coming in behind the baby teeth so she has "rows" of teeth. Better to bite her brothers with.....:-)

And darn it, I left my camera on my desk and couldn't take a single picture. You can bet I'll have it for the next appt.

All in all it was a good week of dental appts. Not a single cavity among the kids, they can thank me for that as even to today, not a single cavity here either. That's always a blessing. Let's hope it lasts for them.

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