Thursday, July 24, 2008

More fun than a human being should be allowed!

This morning I read the news as I always do to get my day started. I read that there was an accident at 5am just south of where I needed to get my scout car pool boys to at Camp Pendleton at the Las Pulgas exit (where the accident occurred) but the SIG Alert would be lifted around 11am. No worries, I think, we'll be a little slow but we'll take our time and not worry about it.

It is 1:07 my time now, I have only been home for about 15 minutes and I never made it to Camp Pendleton to drop off the boys. Traffic on the 5 was gnarly and it took me THREE HOURS to drive just under 6 miles. I finally found one of those median opening that are used by emergency vehicles but illegal for the rest of us and I bolted and it took me 3 minutes to get back to where I started from. There is a 20 mile back up of traffic from this big rig rollover and fire, I feel sorry for all those still out on the road not knowing what they have gotten themselves into.

I did my good deed for today while sitting in the blistering sun and rolling parking lot. A lady next to me rolled down her window and asked if I knew what was going on (people must not know to listen to AM Talk Radio when they are stuck in traffic, wink) , so I told her, she also had her granddaughter with her, and then she asked if I could call her daughter down in San Diego (she left her cell phone at home) to let her know that she would be running late and her granddaughter would not be there in time for her doctors appt. So needless to say, I called the random stranger's daughter to apprise her of the dilemma. Afterwards the world shifted a little as if to say thank for the kind gesture.

Amidst all the frustration of the delay, not getting to camp and having hot and hungry boys with me, it all turned out well. I was proud of the scouts I had with me, there was not a single complaint from one of them and they acted like troopers. I treated my boys to Pedro's Taco's (a local surf spot favorite) and then drove them all back home. Now it is good to be home myself, just wish I had time to sit with a glass of wine and decompress but the life of a mom is never ending and I am headed out the door again soon. Today is one of those days where I have had more fun than any human being should ever be allowed! :-)

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