Thursday, January 10, 2008

An atheist going to christian camp???

Okay, so we were at church last night and get to the sign in table where the Jr High kids sign in for their respective group and there is a brochure for Winter Camp at Forest Home there. Xander went last year and immediately begged to be able to go again this year. All good and well right?

Now back up to about a month ago when Xander proceeds to tell me that he isn't sure what he believes, science, the Big Bang theory, evolution, or even in God. It turned into a very philosophical discussion that was left open ended as I know my boy really believes but he is struggling because there are so many questions that are obviously unanswered. At the end of the conversation, he decided that he would be an atheist because he really wasn't sure and that's where he felt comfortable. Okay, so I left it at that and didn't press any more. These teenage years are starting to settle in and take hold so I am trying my best to go with the flow here....

Anyway, fast forward to last night. He is AT CHURCH and very excited to be there. He wants to go to this VERY CHRISTIAN camp so I turn to him and say, "ya know honey, athiests don't really go to christian camps because they don't believe in the same things". Well, the look on his face was absolutely priceless and for the first time in a long time, he was dead silent. Of course being the witty reproduction of his father, he quickly came back with...."what are you talking about mom? that not believeing thing was sooo three weeks ago!"

So there, out of the mouths of babes. If you leave stuff well alone, I guess it all works itself out!!!

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Haley D. said...

What a smart fellow you have! ;)