Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Hannah Mac!

My dearest sweet baby girl turns SIX today! It took us so long to get pregnant with her that we almost thought we would never have another child. When she came into our lives she turned our world upside down (in a fantastic way)! She rocked our world then and still continues to amaze us each and every day!! She is such a beautiful child inside and out. She is SOOOO popular that I have to turn play dates away because her calendar is so booked up and she even has a boy in her class, Carson, that fights with the other girls just for the opportunity to sit near her or hang out with her in class.
Yes, I know, we are proud parents however, she is so amiable and kind and laid back that she gets along with anyone and everyone. Don't get us wrong, when she really wants to be heard, you can hear it from the mountain tops as she is not afraid to speak up and tell you what she thinks however, she is also just as content going with the flow and letting other people do what they want instead of arguing about it.
As meek and mild as she may seem on the outside, that girl is one tough cookie, lol! She is our adrenaline junkie. She is not afraid of anything, which scares us sometimes. And she is willing to try most anything (except for new foods) and truly embraces all that life has to offer. We are very proud of her!!!

Oh how we love our only daughter. She brings us so much joy. I know she will do great things in her life.

This morning we surprised her with breakfact in bed and Xander serenaded her on the guitar with a funky blues riff and a song he made up just for her. Since it is a "non - party" year, our gift to her was a mother/daughter day out to the American Girl store in LA. We will be going there with 12 other moms and daughters who all have birthdays in January/February and having lunch, seeing a musical and having fun. It should be a fun day for her!
Anyway, Hannah Mac, we love you today, tomorrow and always. Thank you for being you.

Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Haley D. said...

Wish your big girl a big happy birthday from us!!!! What a wonderful tribute you've written to the girl that she is now and who she will become.

Hugs from your GA cousins!