Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thankful Thursdays...

Thank you so much for all of you that checked in on Hannah yesterday. I took her to the doc who told me that she had a possibility of having one of 2 things: an allergic reaction to the Zicam or Erythmea Multiforme, which looks like a "target" type rash and is caused by an internal virus. Since she has had a raspy throat since Sunday, he was inclined to believe that she had the virus. Nothing to give for the virus but did prescribe PeriActin (a kicked up Benadryl) to help the itchy-scratchies. Gave her a dose of the Peri stuff last night and it knocked her out! However she woke up this morning to having about 95% of the rash gone. With this, I am inclined to believe that it was an allergic reaction because he said the virus would look worse before it got better and would last another 3-4 days. So much for the "professional" guidance, lol! Anyway, she is doing great and I am so thankful.

Well, I promised something fun, so each Thursday I am going to post all the things that I (we) have to be thankful for. There is so much out there that is negative, I want to show the positives about how great and fun life really can be!!!

This holiday season has been kind of rough for me and I've been trying to keep it to myself. Internalizing takes too much energy: it's difficult to think of posting coherent thoughts here when I'm nowhere near coherent in my own head. But it's a new year and one of my resolutions is to let go- stop being anxious/angry/frustrated with those situations (and people!) that will never change. Far better, I think, to just let go and move on.

So what am I thankful for this Thursday?
  • fresh, hot homemade oatmeal with flax seed and blueberries, yum!
  • having very funny kids. My daughter who is the queen of commercials (she'll never be allowed to have a credit card and watch late night infomercials) says things like this - Me: Hannah this medicine will make you sleepy. Her: I know it will make me DROWSY. Me: How do you know that word? Her: On the Zyrtec commercial, they said that it was the only medicine that would not make you drowsy and the others would. Me: Hmmmp!
  • Conversation the other day with Hannah - Her: MOM (excitedly), you can stop throwing away old apples. (she hates apples so why would she care?) Me: really? why? Her: because if you get the Debbie Meyer's fruit & veggie saver bags, your fruit and veggies will stay fresh much longer. Me: really? ........ Oh my goodness, either we let her watch too much tv (which in my opinion isn't much by today's standards) or she is the commercial queen!!! She LOVES to recite commercials and when the conversation is happening, she sounds like Ron Popeil, it is quite humorous!!!
  • going to the pirate park with the kids seeing them run, jump and play without another worry in the world.
  • putting our kids in warm baths, cozy slippers and reading fun books at the end of the night.
  • songs that Xander makes up on the guitar for people he cares about.
  • my husband looking HOT again now that he is losing so much weight. He really looks good these days, I am very proud of him.

Those are just a few of the things that I am thankful for this Thursday. For this next week starting today, I am going to see how many times I can say YES to the kids. I say NO to so many things, no you can't do this, no I don't have time to do that with you, etc. So next week, check back in to see what we could do together this week. I'll be interested myself to see the list.

I'll post the day 17 pictures sometime later today after I get my act together. I have a photography challenge that my mentor issued so I've got to get crackin' on that!

Have a wonderful and blessed day ~


Haley D. said...

So glad Hannah's doing better and that Bob is well on track to better health!

Mom to 3 happy kids said...

Thanks, me too! It was a bit crazy there for a while and in the last 2 months I have had my fair share of "stuff" between the 2 of 'em so I am glad everyone is on the mend. Looks like 2008 may turn out to be a pretty good year.... how about in your neck of the woods?