Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday Morning Fever....

Talk about a busy weekend, had I known my day was going to be so busy, I think I just might have crawled back under the covers. There was certainly no rest for the weary today!

This morning I was up at 5am to put the final prep work on the items going in the back packs for Bob and Xander. Of course, Bob was conveniently at his apnea sleep study and Xander was still comfortably asleep. So hmmmmm, good thing I am an experienced back pack packer!! On this overnight boy scout trip, they were not allowed to bring the camp stoves or build fires so everything they took to eat had to be pre-prepared, no cooking was permitted. I made nice grilled chicken salads this morning and put everything in their own baggies so that all they had to do was combine the ingredients and have an instant healthy meal! After the phone call I got tonight I am glad I went to the extra effort this morning. The other boys were having cold hot dogs wrapped in tortillas or beef jerky and things of that nature, yuk, yuk and yuk to the cold hot dogs!!! My boys were happy with their vittles!

As soon as I got the boys out the door, it was time to get Hannah up and out the door to a dance program that was put on by the San Clemente High School National Champion Dance team. She was there from 8:30-1 and learned all sorts of fancy new moves. Then when they were done the SCHS Dancers took the stage and rocked the house. I can certainly see why they earned the National Champ title this year, because those girls could dance, they were phenomenal!

Kelly, Hannah and Kennedy

While they were there, the moose and I had a play date at the Pirate Park for a couple of hours with some of his friends. He had such a good time that he threw himself on the concrete at the end and proceeded to cry and tell me "just a few more minutes, please mommy" but no, the mean and evil mommy put her foot down and peeled him off the pavement and took him back home so that we could go pick up Hannah from the dance program.

Then Hannah spent the rest of the day at the mall with her neighborhood friends and the moose and I went to Borders to read some books and putz about. It was a busy fun-filled afternoon and now I am ready to crash. And I would except for the fact that Hannah is still across the street playing Little Pet Shop Monopoly with all her friends. I didn't want to tell them that she is a slum lord and deceptively good at that game. She is the quiet type that has figured out which properties to buy that will yield her the fasted ROI and basically causes everyone else to crumble! Monopoly is her game!!!

So anyway, I am off to hang out with my youngest boy and cuddle with him for a few minutes before he heads off to slumber land.

Good night to all.

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