Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finally, subjects who are willing to pose...

and NOT complain, lol! Day 23 images... Do you think we have a small "wine" problem?
I thought I'd show you her cute little face filled to the brim. My MIL got these for us last year and I just adore these glasses. They are fun and funky and always a conversation starter!!

And then there is my DD who is always willing to pose no matter what. Here we just got back from school and she was clowing around and wanted to know if I could take a picture of her from the mirror vantage point. So, here it is!XOXOXO~

1 comment:

Haley D. said...

I promise I'm not stalking, but I love checking back every few days for updates. The glasses ROCK.

We definitely want all the scoop on AGP. Amy's looking PG & doing great! ;)